Sunday, September 26, 2010

Training into the domestic game Breakthrough

IDC statistics show that in 2004 China Game Industry revenue as high as 3.65 billion yuan, up 46% over the previous year. But in this high growth market, at least 50% of market share to Japanese and Korean game makers divided, only made the game less than 30% share, Japan and South Korea game makers controlled 80% of the core technology.

From the domestic game market, the entire industry, most of the agent in South Korea, Japan, on behalf of foreign titles, each proxy agent the price of a game as much as 20 million ~ 50 million yuan, the network game, each additional an online player, the Chinese company will also pay to the other 30% divided into charges. Despite the rapid development of the game emerged in the grand myth of this industry, but the game industry in Japan and South Korea the real winner is the game developers.

Of course, the online games market is far from saturated, the future market will continue at an annual rate of up to 40% of rapid growth. Has forecast this year, online games market will reach 50 billion to 7 billion yuan. But look around, from the "Luna," "Millennium," "Dragon," "Legend" and "Heaven" to "Uncharted Waters Online" and "Nobunaga's Ambition Online", full of Korean-Japanese game makers figure.

Undoubtedly, the Chinese game industry is suffering from crush Japan and South Korea game, made the game to break through it? Continue to develop rich local cultural characteristics, excellent game and was a lot of industry that is a must to revitalize the Chinese game industry. The successful experience from South Korea and Japan, to achieve this requires the formation of a mature industry talents.

Development of market demand and the current game is seriously inconsistent with the domestic professional game is very scarce talent. It is learned that China has thousands of mobile game developers and more than 300 online game developer, game development professionals engaged in only 3,000. Gap in our country as much as hundreds of thousands of game professionals. On the other hand, our professional education system of the game has not yet formed, although since last year, appeared in Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Halls Puzzle (Games Academy) and a number of training institutions in the game, but because there is no successful examples can learn from these training schools struggling .

However, faced with a lack of talent, education and training need to be the industry's attention. University President Lee ST game, said game-college professional training schools represented are hoping to cultivate more and better game design and development talent.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tianjin TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital: 33 million yuan under the digital

Tianjin TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital by the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA referred to as TEDA) Investment of public ownership, non-profit hospital cardiovascular disease. Hospital total investment 720 million yuan, construction area of 72,000 square meters. The preparation of 500 beds, 16 operating rooms, postoperative care unit (ICU) 80 beds, catheterization lab 5, cardiac intensive care unit (CCU) 40 搴?

At present, Tianjin TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital has integrate the GE, IBM, SUN, easy to TEDA, eastern Taiwan Yi, Taiwan, Stan, the Chilean side and so on more than ten professional information products, the system covers all the hospital operations and management, such as outpatient, hospital, surgery, surveillance, logistics, financial and human resources, total investment has reached 33 million yuan.

Six-year information technology course

Tianjin TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital from 2001 to now has gone through six years.

June 2001, officially launched the hospital project

July 2002, began planning the hospital information

Visited the country several hospitals, research and understanding of the domestic first-class level with more than HIS, PACS, LIS, OA, human resources, financial software provider, to fully understand and analyze the domestic situation of hospital management software development and characteristics of the idea of hospital information solution.

February 2003, the opening of tenders

Easy Teda Co., Ltd. won the bid to become our hospital information integration provider. HIS system is desirable East Technology Co., Ltd. of Taiwan's development of the HIS system, developed using J2EE B / S three-tier system, using IBM DB2 database, enterprise database systems, application servers using IBM WebSphere.

September 2003, officially opened hospital, outpatient, emergency systems in use

In the last line, we did not follow the usual beginning with the first patient, after the last out of the way, but the out-patient, emergency system, first of all on the line, and on-line or using out-patient and emergency medical stations. Used with automatic recharge function of the card and package medicine machine, so that out-patient procedure is simple, fast, to reduce unnecessary queuing and waiting, the process avoids the hospital "three long-short phenomenon of a" system on-line preliminary success.

This was unthinkable in many hospitals, our hospital do so because there are four reasons:

1. The first door, the emergency system is a last resort. Because the system a lot of ideas from Medtrack and Taiwan's management ideas and technical characteristics, there are many things worth learning, but also many of our mainland hospital management systems and practices incompatible things.

2. I School is a new hospital system is different, mode of administration, where there are many innovative, substantial modification system as inevitable, and due to time constraints only completed the emergency door system.

3. Our hospital by appointment, the appointment of medical staff have a certain level of computer operation, plus a lot of our early training, in addition to a few experts to be equipped with the old clerks, other officers are to be examined, independent of the operating system .

3. Because we are specialist hospitals, outpatient services is relatively small, on the line for us to provide favorable conditions for success.

August 2004, in a hospital department for inpatient system commissioning



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銆??闆嗘垚鍖?br />


銆??鎴戦櫌鐨勪俊鎭郴缁熷嚑涔庢兜鐩栦簡鍖婚櫌鐨勫悇涓笟鍔¢儴闂ㄧ殑鍚勪釜鏂归潰銆傛槸鍥藉唴绗竴瀹堕噰鐢ㄨ嚜鍔ㄥ寘鑽満鐨勫尰闄紝绗笁瀹堕噰鐢℅E 鍏ㄩ櫌绾ACS/RIS绯荤粺锛岀涓?閲囩敤鏂潶鎵嬫湳楹婚唹涓庨噸鐥囩洃鎶ょ郴缁熺殑鍖婚櫌銆?br />

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銆??涓?崱閫?br />


銆??鍏ㄨ嚜鍔ㄥ寘鑽満鐨勯噰鐢紝杈冨ぇ鎻愰珮浜嗚嵂鎴跨殑鍙戣嵂鏁堢巼锛岃繘涓?鐞嗛『娴佺▼锛屽噺灏戠梾浜虹瓑鍊欐椂闂达紝鏂逛究鐥呬汉銆備笌姝ゅ悓鏃讹紝鑽埧鐨勫伐浣滃己搴︿篃涓嬮檷浜嗭紝鎻愰珮浜嗗伐浣滄晥鐜囧拰璐ㄩ噺銆?br />






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